Parrot News
Protecting key habitat for the Fuertes Parrot
Fuertes Parrot © ProAves Colombia
A news release from ProAves announces ongoing protection for the key habitat of the Fuertes Parrot.
The Municipality of Génova, Department of Quindío, and ProAves have recently celebrated an agreement ...
Successful hatching of three Spix’s Macaws at AWWP, Qatar
It looks like being a good year for the Spix’s Macaw. News reaches us from the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation, in the Arabian Gulf State of Qatar, of the recent successful hatching of five ...
AWWP Secures Important Spix’s Macaw Habitat
After seven months of negotiations and navigating legal minefields, the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation (AWWP), owned and founded by H. E. Sheikh Saoud Bin Mohd. Bin Ali Al-Thani, is proud to announce the purchase of ...
Discovery of male Kakapo raises hopes for the future of the species
A recent item on the Arkive website ( announced the discovery of a male Kakapo (Strigops habroptila) more than 20 years after it was last seen.
Brazil to Curb the Trafficking of Wildlife
In January of this year, the BBC reported that moves are afoot to curb the trafficking of wildlife in Brazil - a country with one of the richest varieties of animal species in the world.
According ...
Parrots International Attends Meetings for Spix’s and Lear’s Macaws
By Mark Stafford, President, Parrots International . March 2009 marked two very important meetings for endangered parrots: the meeting of The Working Group for the Recovery of the Spix’s Macaw, and the meeting of the Committee for the Conservation and Management of ...
By Mark Stafford, President, Parrots International . March 2009 marked two very important meetings for endangered parrots: the meeting of The Working Group for the Recovery of the Spix’s Macaw, and the meeting of the Committee for the Conservation and Management of ...
Additional Cause to Rejoice on Palm Sunday
Pro-Aves Colombia is celebrating the success of its campaign to protect the Wax Palm and the Yellow-eared Parrot which is dependent on this endangered tree for its food, for nesting and for roosting.
In the past, ...