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Pennies4Parrots weekend Challenge at the Canadian Parrot Conference
Baby Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot
The Canadian Parrot Conference organizes an annual Pennies4Parrots Challenge each year encouraging parrot clubs, pet stores and other organizations to collect pennies and coins for a year to be donated to a ...

Video update of baby Amazon Parrots
It takes a lot of hands to feed 517 baby Amazon Parrots.This video was produced and posted online to show the hard work that is being accomplished and to thank everyone involved in helping all ...

517 Amazons Thank You!
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Amazon chicks confiscated from “traffic” in Brazil
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This week Parrots International responded to the confiscation of 517 Amazon parrot chicks from illegal traffic/smugglers in Pernambuco, Brazil. The intercepted shipment is mostly Blue-fronted Amazon chicks (Amazona aestiva) and Yellow-faced Amazon chicks (Amazona ...

Philippine Cockatoo Conservation Programme
Phillipine Cockatoo © Photo Indira Widman

Group Tries to Save the Last Parrot Species Indigenous to Mainland US
Courthouse News Service reported that the environmentalist group, WildEarth Guardians, petitioned the American Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, to force the government to implement a recovery plan for the last surviving parrot species in the United States.

A long-term partnership
By Neiva Guedes and Mariana de Moraes
Toyota Brazil and the Hyacinth Macaw Project in the Pantanal By Neiva Guedes and Mariana de Moraes
In the past two decades, we have observed how a relationship between a Japanese company and a conservation research project in Brazil has progressed - leading to an increase in the Hyacinth Macaw population, the creation of the Toyota Foundation in Brazil and the construction of a Center for Sustainability in 2010.
By Neiva Guedes and Mariana de Moraes

The Bigger the Mess, the Happier the Parrot!
By Leah Lemieux
With a single word, my world was turned completely upside down…
How did it happen? About ten years back, I had been talking to my friend Wanda, a parrot aficionado with two African Greys. Knowing I adored cockatoos but had never owned one, the question came up - would I ever keep one? I answered that I would never consider buying a parrot, because even then I knew there were problems with too many unwanted birds whose owners simply couldn’t handle them.
By Leah Lemieux

Why City Parrots can help with parrot conservation
By Roelant Jonker and Grace Innemee
Have you spotted them in your area already? Chances are you are closer to a wild parrot than you might have imagined. In the USA and Europe, many major cities have one or two species of parrot living and breeding within their city limits. 10 European capitals, for example, hold psittacine populations.
The list is not confined just to capitals, though. California’s conglomerates are famous for their populations of Amazon and Conure species, many of which are endangered in their native Central and South American home ranges.
By Roelant Jonker and Grace Innemee