2010 - Issue 1
By PI Press . A new year, a new issue of PI Press - and all of us at Parrots International wish all of you everything of the best for 2010. Our Feature Article this issue hands plaudits to two ...
By PI Press . A new year, a new issue of PI Press - and all of us at Parrots International wish all of you everything of the best for 2010. Our Feature Article this issue hands plaudits to two ...
Parrot-watching in South-west Victoria
By Peter Odekerken , A Danish aviculturist, and friend of mine, recently requested information in relation to seeing as many parrots as possible after a short business meeting in Melbourne, Victoria. He wished to see as many species of parrot as possible in a 2½ day window before he had to return to Denmark. If you have no experience in a foreign country and are not familiar with finding wild birds, then this becomes a very difficult task. Heading in the wrong direction could mean the difference between seeing a species or not.
By Peter Odekerken , A Danish aviculturist, and friend of mine, recently requested information in relation to seeing as many parrots as possible after a short business meeting in Melbourne, Victoria. He wished to see as many species of parrot as possible in a 2½ day window before he had to return to Denmark. If you have no experience in a foreign country and are not familiar with finding wild birds, then this becomes a very difficult task. Heading in the wrong direction could mean the difference between seeing a species or not.
Recent capture and trade of wild African Grey Parrots - with special reference to Cameroon
By David Waugh . In recent decades a high level of capture and legal trade in wild African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) has occurred. A major exporting country has been Cameroon, with official statistics from 1981 to 2005 showing that it exported 367,166 individuals, with a yearly average of 15,299.
By David Waugh . In recent decades a high level of capture and legal trade in wild African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) has occurred. A major exporting country has been Cameroon, with official statistics from 1981 to 2005 showing that it exported 367,166 individuals, with a yearly average of 15,299.
10 Years of Saving the Yellow-eared Parrot
By Gilly Lloyd , One of South America’s most endangered parrot species is the beautiful Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis). As its name suggests, this colourful parrot has large yellow ear-patches, contrasting dramatically with the rest of its primarily green plumage. The Yellow-eared Parrot used to occur throughout the Andean mountains of Ecuador and Colombia - in the case of Colombia, in all three mountain chains.
By Gilly Lloyd , One of South America’s most endangered parrot species is the beautiful Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis). As its name suggests, this colourful parrot has large yellow ear-patches, contrasting dramatically with the rest of its primarily green plumage. The Yellow-eared Parrot used to occur throughout the Andean mountains of Ecuador and Colombia - in the case of Colombia, in all three mountain chains.
The Birth of The Oasis Sanctuary
By Gilly Lloyd , Oasis Sanctuary Foundation Ltd, more commonly known as The Oasis Sanctuary, was founded in 1997 as a life-care facility for exotic birds, primarily parrots. The Oasis was the first such facility given a 501(c) (3) designation by the IRS, enabling the sanctuary to function as a not-for-profit, tax exempt organization. Over the 13 plus years that it has been in existence, not only has it become widely known, but it is also a highly regarded facility in the United States.
By Gilly Lloyd , Oasis Sanctuary Foundation Ltd, more commonly known as The Oasis Sanctuary, was founded in 1997 as a life-care facility for exotic birds, primarily parrots. The Oasis was the first such facility given a 501(c) (3) designation by the IRS, enabling the sanctuary to function as a not-for-profit, tax exempt organization. Over the 13 plus years that it has been in existence, not only has it become widely known, but it is also a highly regarded facility in the United States.
Obesity in Parrots : Killing with Kindness
By Chris Hall , The problem of obesity is common to all species, and means excessive weight in relation to body size, as a result of fat deposition. It is a complex subject, only partially understood. Hormones, genetics, psychological factors and exercise all play a role. Further research in obesity prevention and control in our pet parrots is vital. Avian veterinary surgeons whose patients are mainly pet birds find that obesity, and diseases caused by poor diet, make up a very significant part of their workload.
By Chris Hall , The problem of obesity is common to all species, and means excessive weight in relation to body size, as a result of fat deposition. It is a complex subject, only partially understood. Hormones, genetics, psychological factors and exercise all play a role. Further research in obesity prevention and control in our pet parrots is vital. Avian veterinary surgeons whose patients are mainly pet birds find that obesity, and diseases caused by poor diet, make up a very significant part of their workload.
The Benefits of Fresh Juices
By Leslie Morán , Whether your parrot is curious about new foods, or highly suspicious, introducing fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be fun and have health enriching benefits for the whole family. The primary reason to juice fresh fruits and vegetables is that juicing makes the rich array of nutrients which are present in the foods, readily available for digestion, and they are easily absorbed by the body. It has been estimated that people can assimilate fresh fruit and vegetable juices in 20 to 30 minutes.
By Leslie Morán , Whether your parrot is curious about new foods, or highly suspicious, introducing fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be fun and have health enriching benefits for the whole family. The primary reason to juice fresh fruits and vegetables is that juicing makes the rich array of nutrients which are present in the foods, readily available for digestion, and they are easily absorbed by the body. It has been estimated that people can assimilate fresh fruit and vegetable juices in 20 to 30 minutes.
Blue-throated Conures - How Carl solved the problem of egg-eating
By Pauline James . Carl Miller, an experienced bird breeder from South Wales, tells me: “The Blue-throated Conure used to be rare in captivity, but now they are fairly well established, even though, as a species, they are well known for either destroying or even eating their eggs”. Unfortunately, the Blue-throated Conure in its natural habitat - in the forested regions of eastern Brazil - is now an endangered species, due to the massive land-clearance that has occurred in the area over the last 20 years. It is therefore essential that they are given every encouragement to breed in captivity.
By Pauline James . Carl Miller, an experienced bird breeder from South Wales, tells me: “The Blue-throated Conure used to be rare in captivity, but now they are fairly well established, even though, as a species, they are well known for either destroying or even eating their eggs”. Unfortunately, the Blue-throated Conure in its natural habitat - in the forested regions of eastern Brazil - is now an endangered species, due to the massive land-clearance that has occurred in the area over the last 20 years. It is therefore essential that they are given every encouragement to breed in captivity.
Book Review - Go West for Parrots! A South American Odyssey
By Marie Stafford . image-go-west-for-parrots-no-caption1 A definite must-read for “parrot lovers”, prospective travelers, and those arm chair travelers who would like to escape and travel vicariously through the author’s descriptive accounts of her South American birding adventures. Over the past 30 years Rosemary Low has traveled to numerous countries, pursuing her life’s passion for parrots, and appreciation for nature.
By Marie Stafford . image-go-west-for-parrots-no-caption1 A definite must-read for “parrot lovers”, prospective travelers, and those arm chair travelers who would like to escape and travel vicariously through the author’s descriptive accounts of her South American birding adventures. Over the past 30 years Rosemary Low has traveled to numerous countries, pursuing her life’s passion for parrots, and appreciation for nature.
Clicker Training as a Tool to Help Manage Aggressive Parrots
By Jessie Zgurski , I still have the scars from where Fergus, a Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, bit me several times during a bizarre frenzy. I agreed to foster him for a local parrot rescue, and the first thing he did when I let him out of his cage was fly towards me and bite me several times on my hands and arms.
By Jessie Zgurski , I still have the scars from where Fergus, a Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, bit me several times during a bizarre frenzy. I agreed to foster him for a local parrot rescue, and the first thing he did when I let him out of his cage was fly towards me and bite me several times on my hands and arms.
An examination for the preservation of the Black-cheeked Lovebird
By Jörg Asmus , The Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) is represented by the greatest number of species within the genus Agapornis - nine in all - but its area of distribution is the smallest within its genre. Considered the most endangered of all African parrot species, the Black-cheeked Lovebird is endemic to south-west Zambia, and is mainly found in extensive lowland areas - between altitudes of 900 and 1,400 m - along the Nanzhila River and the courses of the Kafue, Simatange, Sichifulu, Ngweza and Zambesi Rivers.
By Jörg Asmus , The Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) is represented by the greatest number of species within the genus Agapornis - nine in all - but its area of distribution is the smallest within its genre. Considered the most endangered of all African parrot species, the Black-cheeked Lovebird is endemic to south-west Zambia, and is mainly found in extensive lowland areas - between altitudes of 900 and 1,400 m - along the Nanzhila River and the courses of the Kafue, Simatange, Sichifulu, Ngweza and Zambesi Rivers.
Islands, Parakeets and People: The conservation of Red-fronted Parakeets on Islands of the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand
New Zealand holds the greatest diversity of Cyanoramphus Parakeets which are left in the world. This fascinating group of parrots used to occur on Tahiti, New Caledonia, Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island, as well as throughout the New Zealand archipelago. During the last 200 years, however, two species and two sub-species have disappeared, due to the introduction of exotic mammals to fragile island ecosystems, and other unknown causes.