In the Wild
Amazon chicks confiscated from “traffic” in Brazil
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This week Parrots International responded to the confiscation of 517 Amazon parrot chicks from illegal traffic/smugglers in Pernambuco, Brazil. The intercepted shipment is mostly Blue-fronted Amazon chicks (Amazona aestiva) and Yellow-faced Amazon chicks (Amazona ...

Growing up with Cape Parrots
By Craig Symes , Centocow, a remote Catholic mission station in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, was founded in 1888, when Abbot Francis Pfanner purchased a small farm on the western bank of the Umzimkulu River. It was not far from here, on a farm on the opposite bank, near Creighton, that I grew up. On the farm, Menin - named after Menin Gate near Ypres, where two great-great-uncles fell - I spent most of my childhood years, and in the spirit of a farmboy, gained an appreciation of the flora and fauna that surrounded me.
By Craig Symes , Centocow, a remote Catholic mission station in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, was founded in 1888, when Abbot Francis Pfanner purchased a small farm on the western bank of the Umzimkulu River. It was not far from here, on a farm on the opposite bank, near Creighton, that I grew up. On the farm, Menin - named after Menin Gate near Ypres, where two great-great-uncles fell - I spent most of my childhood years, and in the spirit of a farmboy, gained an appreciation of the flora and fauna that surrounded me.
Why City Parrots can help with parrot conservation
By Roelant Jonker and Grace Innemee
Have you spotted them in your area already? Chances are you are closer to a wild parrot than you might have imagined. In the USA and Europe, many major cities have one or two species of parrot living and breeding within their city limits. 10 European capitals, for example, hold psittacine populations.
The list is not confined just to capitals, though. California’s conglomerates are famous for their populations of Amazon and Conure species, many of which are endangered in their native Central and South American home ranges.
By Roelant Jonker and Grace Innemee

The eleventh hour for the Grey-breasted Parakeet
By David Waugh, , It was early August 2007, and Albertos Alves Campos and his team-mates had scaled a cliff in the small mountain range of Serra do Estevão, Ceará State, in the dry north-east of Brazil. They stood quietly on a broad ledge near the top of the cliff, scanning the remnant patches of forest on the lower slopes, and they repeatedly played an audio recording of a parakeet, hoping to elicit a response from a real bird. Disappointingly, after many days of trying, they did not hear or see this parakeet, even though some of the local people they had interviewed have given diagnostic descriptions of the species.
By David Waugh, , It was early August 2007, and Albertos Alves Campos and his team-mates had scaled a cliff in the small mountain range of Serra do Estevão, Ceará State, in the dry north-east of Brazil. They stood quietly on a broad ledge near the top of the cliff, scanning the remnant patches of forest on the lower slopes, and they repeatedly played an audio recording of a parakeet, hoping to elicit a response from a real bird. Disappointingly, after many days of trying, they did not hear or see this parakeet, even though some of the local people they had interviewed have given diagnostic descriptions of the species.
The Bahama Parrot - a new management plan
By Caroline Stahala, M.S
The Bahama Parrot (Amazona leucocephala bahamensis), which is found on Great Abaco and Great Inagua Island in the Bahamas, is finally receiving some much needed management attention from the Bahamas National Trust, Friends of the Environment (Abaco) and organizations such as Parrots International and the Amazona Society.
By Caroline Stahala, M.S

Parrot-watching in South-west Victoria
By Peter Odekerken , A Danish aviculturist, and friend of mine, recently requested information in relation to seeing as many parrots as possible after a short business meeting in Melbourne, Victoria. He wished to see as many species of parrot as possible in a 2½ day window before he had to return to Denmark. If you have no experience in a foreign country and are not familiar with finding wild birds, then this becomes a very difficult task. Heading in the wrong direction could mean the difference between seeing a species or not.
By Peter Odekerken , A Danish aviculturist, and friend of mine, recently requested information in relation to seeing as many parrots as possible after a short business meeting in Melbourne, Victoria. He wished to see as many species of parrot as possible in a 2½ day window before he had to return to Denmark. If you have no experience in a foreign country and are not familiar with finding wild birds, then this becomes a very difficult task. Heading in the wrong direction could mean the difference between seeing a species or not.
Recent capture and trade of wild African Grey Parrots - with special reference to Cameroon
By David Waugh . In recent decades a high level of capture and legal trade in wild African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) has occurred. A major exporting country has been Cameroon, with official statistics from 1981 to 2005 showing that it exported 367,166 individuals, with a yearly average of 15,299.
By David Waugh . In recent decades a high level of capture and legal trade in wild African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) has occurred. A major exporting country has been Cameroon, with official statistics from 1981 to 2005 showing that it exported 367,166 individuals, with a yearly average of 15,299.
10 Years of Saving the Yellow-eared Parrot
By Gilly Lloyd , One of South America’s most endangered parrot species is the beautiful Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis). As its name suggests, this colourful parrot has large yellow ear-patches, contrasting dramatically with the rest of its primarily green plumage. The Yellow-eared Parrot used to occur throughout the Andean mountains of Ecuador and Colombia - in the case of Colombia, in all three mountain chains.
By Gilly Lloyd , One of South America’s most endangered parrot species is the beautiful Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis). As its name suggests, this colourful parrot has large yellow ear-patches, contrasting dramatically with the rest of its primarily green plumage. The Yellow-eared Parrot used to occur throughout the Andean mountains of Ecuador and Colombia - in the case of Colombia, in all three mountain chains.
Islands, Parakeets and People: The conservation of Red-fronted Parakeets on Islands of the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand
New Zealand holds the greatest diversity of Cyanoramphus Parakeets which are left in the world. This fascinating group of parrots used to occur on Tahiti, New Caledonia, Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island, as well as throughout the New Zealand archipelago. During the last 200 years, however, two species and two sub-species have disappeared, due to the introduction of exotic mammals to fragile island ecosystems, and other unknown causes.

Meyer’s Parrots in the Okavango Delta
By Steve Boyes , The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the last remaining pristine wilderness areas in southern Africa - or the world for that matter - as, for the most part, the system has remained unmanaged, unfenced and free of human encroachment. The delta is Africa’s greatest wetland wilderness and it provides for spiritual renewal and the opportunity to be immersed in something completely natural.
By Steve Boyes , The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the last remaining pristine wilderness areas in southern Africa - or the world for that matter - as, for the most part, the system has remained unmanaged, unfenced and free of human encroachment. The delta is Africa’s greatest wetland wilderness and it provides for spiritual renewal and the opportunity to be immersed in something completely natural.
Artificial Cavities and Nest Site Selection by Puerto Rican Parrots:
A Multiscale Assessment
By Thomas H White Jr, G Gordon Brown and Jaime A Collazo A Multiscale Assessment" class="left" width="80px" height="80px"/>, The Puerto Rican Parrot is unique in that, since 2001, all known nesting in the wild has occurred in standardized artificial cavities, which also provided us a unique opportunity to evaluate nest site selection without confounding effects of the actual nest cavity characteristics.
A Multiscale Assessment
By Thomas H White Jr, G Gordon Brown and Jaime A Collazo A Multiscale Assessment" class="left" width="80px" height="80px"/>, The Puerto Rican Parrot is unique in that, since 2001, all known nesting in the wild has occurred in standardized artificial cavities, which also provided us a unique opportunity to evaluate nest site selection without confounding effects of the actual nest cavity characteristics.