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Welcome to our blogs. These include real time stories from the field from individuals who are working first hand with wild parrots. Read their stories and find out about the ups and downs of wildlife research. What are the challenges of every day field work and the exciting new encounters and discoveries that makes all the hard work worth while!

Visit our field blogs - Conservation in Real Time

Bennett Hennessey

Blue-throated & Red-fronted Macaw

Bennett Hennessey
Bonnie Zimmermann

The Indonesian Parrot Project

Bonnie Zimmermann
Carlos Bonilla Ruz

Military Macaw Project

Carlos Bonilla Ruz
Carlos Bianchi

Pfrimer's Conure Project

Carlos Bianchi
Caroline Stahala, M.S.

Bahama Parrot Project

The Bahamas
Caroline Stahala, M.S.
Don Brightsmith, Ph.D.

Tambopata Macaw Projetc

Don Brightsmith, Ph.D.
Glaucia Seixas, PhD

Blue-fronted Amazon Project

Pantanal, Brazil
Glaucia Seixas, PhD
Jafet Velez-Valentin

Puerto Rican Parrot Project

Puerto Rico
Jafet Velez-Valentin
Jaime Jiménez, PhD

Slender-billed Conure Project

Jaime Jiménez, PhD
LoraKim Joyner, DVM

Volunteer Projects

Central America & Caribbean
LoraKim Joyner, DVM
Luis Ortiz-Catedral

Red-fronted and Malherbe's Parakeets

New Zealand
Luis Ortiz-Catedral
Martin Lezama

Yellow-naped Amazon

Martin Lezama
Neiva Guedes, Ph.D

Hyacinth Macaw Project

Pantanal, Brazil
Neiva Guedes, Ph.D
Roan Balas McNab

Scarlet Macaw Project

Roan Balas McNab
Ryan Watson

Blue Macaw Coordinator

Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation - Qatar
Ryan Watson
Stewart Metz, M.D.

Indonesian Parrot Project

Stewart Metz, M.D.
Tom White, Ph.D.

Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Program

Puerto Rico
Tom White, Ph.D.
Yara Barros, Ph.D

Macaw Reintroduction

Yara Barros, Ph.D

Recent Blogs

Visit to 4 trees
Thursday, 29 Mar, 2012
Visit to 4 trees Lora nuca amarilla We reviewed 4 trees yesterday, including one Javillo (Hura crepitans) that was impossible to climb.  The wind made it risky to scale, so we’ll leave for when the winds subside. The other trees ...
Yellow-naped Amazon
Thursday, 29 Mar, 2012
Yellow-naped Amazon Paso Pacifico (pasopacifico.org) is a non-profit organization working with local communities in the Paso del Istmo to restore forest habitat and reverse the loss of native wildlife. The Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot was once common across the ...
Dr. Lorakim Joyner visited the Iguaca Aviary
Tuesday, 18 Jan, 2011
At the Iguaca Aviary we were honored with the recent visit of Dr. Lora Kim Joyner.  She was so gracious to give us a workshop in non-violent communication and its importance for conservation.  It was ...
Early Start for the “Iguaca”
Monday, 17 Jan, 2011
2010 was a great year for the Puerto Rican Amazon and we are working very hard to make 2011 breeding season even better.  The breeding season for this species is usually between Jan.-Feb. until May-June depending ...

blogs from the field - parrot conservation in real time