Luis's Blog:
Red-fronted and Malherbe's Parakeets
New Zealand
Project Description: Breeding and disease ecology of New Zealand endemic parrots: Red-fronted Parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) and Malherbe's Parakeet (C. malherbi)
February 3rd, 2010

New Zealand holds the greatest diversity of Cyanoramphus Parakeets which are left in the world. This fascinating group of parrots used to occur on Tahiti, New Caledonia, Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island, as well as throughout the New Zealand archipelago. During the last 200 years, however, two species and two sub-species have disappeared, due to the introduction of exotic mammals to fragile island ecosystems, and other unknown causes.
December 6th, 2009

Hello all: in my previous post I commented on how excited I was about heading into the field for the 2009-2010 breeding season of the red-fronted parakeets. Well, during the latest trip I was pleasantly ...
November 27th, 2009

A friend of mine and kind sponsor of our project refers to the parakeets as “green bundles of magic” and I always think about this name when Im heading to the field. This morning I’m ...
November 24th, 2009

Last year I had the opportunity to visit a remote volcanic island halfway between New Zealand and Tonga: Raoul Island or Rangitahua. The purpose of the visit was to determine whether or not the Kermadec ...
November 23rd, 2009

My current project: Breeding and disease ecology of New Zealand endemic parrots: Red-fronted Parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) and Malherbe’s Parakeet (C. malherbi)