Jaime's Blog:
Slender-billed Conure Project
February 16th, 2009

A message from Ana to everyone:
Dear Tom, Mark, Marie and Jaime
I am monitoring the birds each 2 days. Each day the things are gettingworst. I am spending more than 14 hours in the field and ...
January 26th, 2009

We have more good news from yesterday. At Inia we checked two of our known nests (5 and 7 full grown chicks, see pictures), and could collar 3 new birds (we have only one collar ...
January 9th, 2009

During yesterday and today we had great field trips with the help of Dr Daniel Gonzalez (U. de Concepción) and Nicole Püschel (volunteer U de Chile). We confirmed 9 more nests in areas N and ...
January 5th, 2009

Yesterday, with Ana and Mauricio we went to the field (sun was unforgiving!). We had access to a new farm in between the previous checked. We found 3 new nests. One had 5 eggs, the ...
December 23rd, 2008

Here is the synthesis of the weekend nest search:
AM: INIA Remehue. Learned climbing techniques with Ana and a climber. Visited one nest:
PM: Chahuilco (JJ). Nelson climbed 2 trees. One had no nest. The other nest ...
December 9th, 2008
Here are the pictures the poacher could take. Only from two of the nests, both with eggs. One with 3 eggs and another with 6. The cavity looks large and very clean, with chips only ...
November 20th, 2008

Through Dr. Mark Stafford from Parrots International, we realized that you are interested in volunteering for the newly launched slender-billed parakeet project during February of next year. We would be very happy to have you ...
November 19th, 2008

Note for Jaime Jiminez from Mark Stafford
Hope all is well in Southern Chile. I have just returned from the Canadian Parrot Conference in Guelph, Canada, where I had the pleasure of meeting Nathalie Lemieux and ...