Glaucia's Blog:
Blue-fronted Amazon Project
Pantanal, Brazil
November 24th, 2009

During the past two months, Vandir, Veronica, Thyago and I have been monitoring a nest of blue-fronted Amazon with a microcamera in Pantanal. And now we share with you this fantastic video (link below), which is the first video recorded of the parental care inside the nest of blue-fronted Amazons!
July 17th, 2009

Hi everyone!
I have been super busy finalizing my PhD dissertation (on Ecology and Conservation, Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University), and I did not have any time to post some news in the blog… although ...
May 12th, 2009
Worried with the all the threats faced by the blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva), such as its continuous illegal capture and the degradation of its habitat in the Pantanal, Brazil, I begun my studies with ...